
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Toddler Truths Tuesdays

I've been a bad blogger lately -- super busy! I will post more later on a baby shower that I co-hosted over the weekend, but here's a quick toddler truth. This one deserves to stand alone:

Yesterday I was driving to my in-laws' house for dinner, and Daddy sat in the back with Jacob to talk to him about his day (we went to the Chicago Children's Museum!). They chatted for a few minutes, and then Jacob gazed out the window.

All of a sudden, he said, "Love you so much, Dad."

It was so sweet and sounded so grown-up. Then came the kicker. Daddy asked if he loved mommy, too, and he goes:

"Love Mommy so [pause] ...most!"

Awww. Melt my heart. I love him "so most", too!


  1. So precious! Jacob is one special little guy. I've been on vacation for a few days so just spend a little time catching up on your blog... it's fun to read about all your activities. His birthday party looks like fun. And yes, you will no doubt shed a tear, but probably of joy. You are both great parents and Jacob doesn't yet know how blessed he is to have you... or maybe he does!
